Dentistry is a branch of medicine that consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral cavity, commonly in the dentition but also the oral mucosa, and of adjacent and related structures and tissues, particularly in the maxillofacial (jaw and facial) area.
Dental diseases are not considered to be lethal and therefore attitudes on the part of government and public are of different nature. However, the cost of dental diseases in terms of pain, suffering and treatment and loss of work is enormous. Measures to reduce or eliminate dental problems would result in a vast benefit to the population.
Dental decay (caries) and periodontal (gum) diseases are amongst the most common diseases affecting mankind, especially in the so called advanced nations.
MAH has a team of dedicated dental surgeons who are tirelessly and selflessly working to achieve a better goal. The department consists of super specialities in the field of:
1. OMFS (Oro Maxillo Facial surgeon): speciality which deals with surgical management of disease that affect the mouth and face including the jaw bones. The diseases range from infection in the jaws and face to cancer in the oral cavity which is very much prevalent in India.
2. Maxillo facial surgeons specialize in treating accident patients which suffer from fracture of facial bones.
3. Orthodontics: specialises in prevention and correction of dental facial irregularities.
4. Periodontics: deals in periodontism which includes the gingiva, periodontal ligaments,roots cementum and supporting alveolar bone. Periodontum means the tissue covering and supporting the tooth.
5. Prosthodontics: is that branch of dentistry which deals with the restoration and maintenance of oral functions, comfort, appearance and health of patients by restoration of missing natural teeth with fixed, removal maxilla facial and implant prosthodontics.
6. Oral medicine and radiology. Dental care is an integral part of overall healthcare and requires equal priority in preventive measures.