GastroIntestinal & Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Surgery and Advanced Laproscopic Surgery Department.
The Department of GastroIntestinal & Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Surgery and Advanced Laproscopic Surgery lead by Dr Avinash Kumar(MS, MCh) is dedicated to care of patients with complicated disorders of Liver, Gall Bladder, Biliary System, Pancreas, Spleen, and Digestive system (including Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Small Bowel, Large Bowel, Rectum and Ana Canal).
GastroIntestinal & Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Surgery and Advanced Laproscopic Surgery Department at Maharaja Agrasen hospital started with basic GI Surgical Procedure and laproscopic procedures. However, after the joining of very aggressive and enthusiastic leadership of Dr Avinash Kumar, the department now boasts of doing highly complicated liver resections and other highly complicated surgeries and advanced laproscopic procedures.
Dr Avinash Kumar has been pioneer in doing the first Extended (modified 4a preserving) liver resections in this hospital and first laproscopic splenectomy in the hospital.
The department now takes pride in being the leader in its field and innovation and one of the most preferred referring center for all the diseases in its capacity.
The main fields of specialization of the department are:
Portal Hypertension,
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Diseases,
Hepatic Venous Outflow Obstruction,
Ulcerative Colitis,
Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage and Oesophageal Diseases.
Cancers of Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Small Intestine and Large Intestine.
Cancer of Rectum and Anal Canal.
Cancer of Liver
Cancer of Gall Bladder and bile duct
Cancer of Pancreas.
Disorders of Spleen
Its main thrust is on providing a high quality of patient care, training of residents, good record keeping, research publications and research into Indian diseases.
Upper GI Surgery
Department (lead by Dr Avinash Kumar) focuses on organs in the upper GI tract.
Some patients are treated in collaboration not only with medical and radiation oncologists, but also with surgical faculty from the Division of Abdominal Transplantation (Dr Avinash Kumar is amongst the leading Liver Transplant Surgeons of India).
Many GI cancer patients require multidisciplinary treatments. Surgical resection of tumors and cutting-edge “ablation” approaches are used for patients with primary and secondary liver tumors.
Lower GI Surgery
Rectal cancer surgery is performed to minimize the need for permanent “bags” and to ensure, if at all possible, “nerve preservation.”
Colon J-pouches or “coloplasty” procedures may be used to minimize frequent bowel movements and bowel urgency.
The Department provides diagnostic workups and treatment for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Patients with colitis requiring surgery may undergo “restorative procotocolectomy,” avoiding permanent stomas (surgically constructed openings) most of the time.